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What are the 15 types of leadership skills?

Leadership skills enable an individual to effectively guide, direct and motivate a group toward a common goal. These skills are essential in various roles and industries and allow leaders to be their best selves.

Strong leadership skills are crucial for success in any organization. Whether you are leading a team at work, a group of volunteers, or a family, it is vital that you guide and motivate your team members effectively to reach a set goal.

Leadership skills are also fundamental in the medical world. Nursing leaders can use these skills to increase productivity, improve nursing practitioners’ morale and drive organizational growth. You can learn more about the importance and opportunities to access quality nursing leadership skills at Marymount University.

Here is a look at 15 leadership skills that are vital to the success of every leader and how to implement them.

15 types of leadership skills

Leadership skills are an essential component of success in any role or industry, and the ability to develop and continually improve these skills can significantly enhance your effectiveness and impact.


Leaders must convey their visions, goals and expectations to their teams to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities. Communication is a leader’s best way of building trust and credibility within their group.

Effective communication involves listening actively to others and clearly expressing your thoughts and ideas to them. Leaders must learn to adapt their communication style to suit the needs and preferences of their audience and handle conflicts and viewpoints differently.

Skilled communicators are well-versed in articulating their expectations and creating a positive and collaborative work environment that values and understands other team members. There are several ways a leader can communicate with their members, including:

  • Verbal communication: This entails using spoken language to convey a message or information. It involves the exchange of ideas, thoughts and information through words. Verbal communication can happen in several manners, including face-to-face conversations, phone calls, group meetings and presentations.
  • Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication occurs without the use of words. This can entail body language, facial expressions and body gestures. It can also include vocal elements such as tone of voice, pitch and volume, all of which convey meaning and emotions. For example, a leader can communicate their displeasure through frowns, eye contact and a change in their tone of voice. However, leaders must understand cultural differences in nonverbal communication to help them communicate better with team members from diverse cultures.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand and acknowledge emotions. Dynamic leaders can use this skill to effectively manage their relationships with their members. There are four stages of emotional intelligence that leaders can cultivate, including:

  • Self-awareness: This involves acknowledging how your emotions affect your thoughts and behaviors. Leaders can use self-awareness to accurately assess their strengths and weaknesses. This will enable them to regulate their emotions more effectively.
  • Self-regulation: Self-regulation is when an individual can manage emotions and reactions to respond thoughtfully in any situation. It helps leaders retain their composure in challenging situations.
  • Empathy: This stage deals with communicating with others. Empathetic leaders understand and acknowledge other people’s emotions. This helps them build strong relationships with their teams by connecting and understanding their needs and concerns.
  • Motivation: Motivated leaders can inspire and energize their team members with their emotions. This drives them into action and challenges them to reach and achieve individual and corporate goals.

Strategic thinking

Strategic thinking requires critical and creative thinking regarding an organization’s success and long-term direction. Leaders must look beyond the present situations and consider how they will impact the future. There are different ways leaders can use strategic thinking skills, including:

  •    Setting goals: Goal setters identify long-term visions for an organization and develop a plan to achieve them. This involves considering their resources and capabilities and setting realistic but challenging goals. This can significantly improve the organization’s success.
  •    Analyzing data: You can use strategic thinking skills to analyze data, inform decision-making, and progress toward goals. Data analysis entails using data to identify trend patterns and strategically planning for or against certain patterns.
  •    Making decisions: Decision-making involves weighing the potential risks and benefits of the available options to choose the most suitable ones. Critical thinking skills are useful when you need to evaluate these options. These skills help you decide the best course of action among multiple viewpoints, creating sound and data-driven decisions.
  •    Problem-solving: Now that you’ve made your decision, you need to tackle the problems accompanying it. Problem-solving skills aid in identifying and addressing challenges hindering your goal’s progress. Ultimately, it helps leaders develop and implement effective solutions to troublesome situations.


Creativity is the ability to develop new and innovative ideas, solve problems and meet challenges. It helps leaders adapt to changing circumstances and stay ahead of business challenges. Creative leaders explore different possibilities to generate new ideas and approaches. They also analyze problems from different viewpoints so they can identify effective solutions.

Leaders should create an open-minded work environment that encourages experimentation and risk-taking. This will give employees and team members a chance to brainstorm and develop unique ideas to help the organization grow. Leaders can also seek new experiences and thoughts from various sources, such as their team members, workshops and other creative entities.


Efficient leaders are accountable for their actions and are prepared to face the consequences of those actions, whether they are good or bad. Responsibility ensures that leaders take ownership of their decisions and their aftermath.

Responsible leaders are dependable, solidifying their team members’ trust in them. They must also master time and resource management to delegate responsibilities to their members properly. Leaders should cultivate responsibility through self-awareness, taking ownership of their actions and following through on their commitments.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust to changing circumstances and environments. It is an essential skill for leaders because it enables them to navigate uncertainty effectively. Adaptable leaders can anticipate and respond to change effectively and adjust their plans as needed. As a leader, you must be flexible and open-minded so your team will feel heard when they speak to you.

Leaders should be open to new ideas and able to adapt to new situations. For example, it is only possible for a company adapting to the online marketing space to fine-tune its marketing strategy with an understanding of what works for that space. However, a leader should also encourage their team to embrace and acknowledge changes for a successful organization.


Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. It helps leaders navigate difficult situations, leading their teams through changes and uncertainty.

Resilient leaders can maintain their focus and determination while experiencing failures. They understand that failure is only a prerequisite to success, helping them learn from their mistakes and apply them to future challenges. Resilience solidifies a leader’s perseverance, allowing them to motivate their teams through difficult times.

It is important for leaders to master stress management, develop strategies to counter setbacks, and learn from their past mistakes, seeking future support when needed.


Confident leaders believe in their abilities and view their decisions with a positive outlook. Confidence is essential for leaders who hope to inspire and motivate their teams through challenging situations. It helps them understand that their capabilities are enough to tackle any obstacle, which is a necessary skill in the modern world.

Confident leaders speak and act with conviction and can project an air of assurance and competence. They can also take calculated risks and make decisions with certainty.

However, you must practice sharpening and improving your skills and cultivating your confidence as a leader. Seek new opportunities to build your experience and expertise, familiarizing yourself with unexpected situations that might be too much for others to handle.


Influence is a leader’s ability to effectively persuade, negotiate and resolve conflicts. It’s an effective way to communicate and build relationships with team members and stakeholders and constructively handle disputes and challenges. There are several types of influence that leaders must cultivate, including:

  •    Persuasion: This involves convincing others to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific course of action. Persuasive leaders must clearly articulate their arguments and engage evidence-based facts and logic to support their position.
  •    Negotiation: This entails working with others to reach a mutually beneficial agreement or compromise. Effective negotiators can easily identify common ground, finding creative solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved.
  •    Conflict resolution: Leaders who often mediate and resolve conflicts between individuals or groups understand the art of conflict resolution. Effective conflict resolution involves identifying the underlying issues and finding common ground that addresses the concerns of the parties involved.


Decision-making involves evaluating the available options and choosing the best action to achieve a desired goal. It is an essential skill that helps leaders navigate challenges and make informed decisions that impact their team and organization. There are several steps involved in making sound decisions as a leader.

  •    Define the problem: Leaders must identify and acknowledge the issue before seeking solutions. You should draw out the specifics to narrow the scope of the problem and facilitate a resolution. It is also crucial to uncover the root cause of the issue to determine the most effective solution.
  •    Gather information: Information gathering involves collecting and analyzing data to support decision-making. This step provides a solid foundation for problem-solving by providing context and insight. Therefore, you should be thorough and objective when collecting and analyzing data to gather accurate and relevant information.
  •    Generate possible options: This involves brainstorming and considering a range of potential solutions to the problem. Here, you should already have a scope of the problem and a series of possible solutions to tackle it.
  •    Evaluate your options: This step covers weighing each option’s potential risks and benefits and considering their alignment with the organization’s goals. You should also consider your choices’ feasibility, accessibility, durability and reliability.
  •    Decide: Here, you’ve crossed all Ts and dotted all Is, and you should decide on the solution that best suits the problem at hand. Keep in mind that you should only make your decisions after exercising all available options.
  •    Implement:This is the last stage, and it requires you to implement your chosen plan while monitoring its progress toward the desired outcome.


Teamwork helps leaders leverage the strengths and skills of their team members to sharpen their skills and achieve a given task. It is also the ability to effectively lead and manage a team toward a common goal. Effective teamwork involves several key elements:

  •    Clear communication: Leaders must consistently communicate their vision, goals, expectations and tasks to ensure all team members are on the same page.
  •    Collaboration: A successful team should collaborate and share ideas to achieve a common goal. This element encourages openness to feedback and differing viewpoints.
  •    Trust: Leaders must build trust and credibility with their team members through honesty, transparency and reliability. Team members can trust a leader who solves problems by letting everyone pitch their ideas. It also helps create a positive work environment where every opinion matters.


Motivation involves inspiring and energizing your team members to achieve their best work. Regular motivation from their leader helps foster a positive and productive work environment. There are several ways to motivate your team, including:

  •    Provide support and resources: You should provide your team members with the necessary support and resources to succeed in their job. This support can include training, development opportunities, and the essential tools and equipment for a stress-free task.
  •    Recognize and reward their achievement: An extraordinary leader recognizes and celebrates their team members’ accomplishments and contributions. In addition to acknowledging them, you should reward their hard work and dedication to encourage them to continue their efforts.
  •    Coach them: Give your team members regular and constructive feedback on their performance. You should commend them for an excellent job and correct them on work that does not meet expectations. This helps them grow, developing efficient members with improved work proficiency.
  •    Create an engaging work environment: You should avoid a stoic work environment as this kills creativity and impacts the motivation of team members. An engaging work environment offers a collaborative and inclusive work culture that values the well-being and development of your team members.


Skilled leaders should guide and support team members to help them develop their skills and knowledge. This is a two-way benefit that fosters a learning culture and development within the organization while improving your team members’ experience and expertise. Ultimately, it’s a great way to fuel the growth of your establishment through quality skill implementation. Some of the critical elements of effective mentorships include:

  •    Offer guidance: You should offer advice, guidance and support to team members to help them navigate challenges that are new to them but old to you. This helps to develop their knowledge of these challenges to prepare them for future obstacles.
  •    Share your experience:You can share your personal experiences with common and rare issues in your organization. Discussing how you dealt with past situations can help people discover better ways to deal with future issues.
  •    Encourage development: Inspire your team members to seek learning opportunities and take on new challenges to grow and develop their skills. The best way to achieve this is by leading by example. You should also strive to learn and develop your skills so they can follow in your footsteps.
  •    Build relationships:Get to know your team members. Celebrate and dedicate time to getting to know them personally. You can celebrate each team member’s birthday. Acknowledge their skills, and support them to be better; you can even complement their fitness journey. These relationships will help you build solid relationships with your team members, giving you a free and exciting work environment.

Time management

Good time management involves effectively planning, prioritizing and executing tasks to achieve goals and meet deadlines. There are several ways to manage your time and ensure consistent productivity.

  •    Prioritize tasks:Identify and focus on the most important tasks. This ensures you complete most of the critical work, providing you with a more organized workload.
  •    Plan and schedule: Create a program and allocate time to different tasks. This will keep your calendar clear and remind you of deadlines and commitments.
  •    Stay organized: You should keep track of tasks and projects to maintain a clean and organized work environment. You can achieve this by setting time limits, ensuring everyone knows their roles and completing the most daunting tasks first.
  •    Manage distractions: Workplace conflicts and overly friendly coworkers can cause distractions in your organization. Keep these situations to a minimum to stay focused on the organization’s goal.


Good organizational skills describe the effective management and coordination of tasks, resources and information. Fine organizational skills help leaders improve their efficiency and productivity to set an excellent example for their team. There are several organizational skills that every leader must possess, including:

  •    Resource management:This is a strategic planning and coordination process. It is targeted at allocating organizational resources to achieve maximum value. This includes scheduling and using team members, financial resources and technological tools to ensure that the team reaches the desired goal.
  •    Information management: This is the process of gathering, organizing and disseminating information from various sources to relevant stakeholders. It involves the systematic collection, storage and distribution of data to support decision-making and communication between you and your team members.


Strong leaders can adapt to changing circumstances and navigate challenges through a combination of technical expertise, communication skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to motivate and inspire others. Leaders can sharpen their skills by practicing and honing these skills, reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses, and encouraging themselves to do better in the future.

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